Week 2, done and dusted!

Panana Mīharo happens every Thursday in the hall with Room 5, 6 and 10.


It's heaps of fun. There are games, stories and awesome messages to take away.

Junior Assembly

We also have a junior school hui on Thursdays where we give out certificates and get up for some Jump Jam!

This week we have been talking about the value - Pā Harakeke, Care here and everywhere.
So the two Rm 1 certificates went to ākonga (learners) that show they care here and everywhere every day! It was hard to pick from such a caring class. Well done to Julian and Lauren!

Next week we are going to be focussing on the value - Give it a Go, Persevere until you're there.
So we will be on the hunt for people that are giving things a go, even when it isn't easy!

Powerful Learners 

We've also been talking about how to be a powerful learner! Rūma Tahi has a pretty good idea of many of the qualities it takes.
As Lucan put it so fantastically - "a powerful learner gets stuck into it".  So we talked about getting into our learning and having focus. Here we can see during art today the ākonga had a lot of focus, working hard on their patterns and creating beautiful feathers that will hopefully be going up next week. Be sure to call in and have a look.

Have an awesome rā whakatā and see you back for an action packed week 3!
